Miklós Szentkuthy: Marginalia on Casanova
New York: Contra Mundum Press, 2012
Translated by Tim Wilkinson
Cover design by István Orosz
More details of the book are here.
You can read some excerpts here.
1. Title: Exhibition of István Orosz; theme: wood constructions; location: Sopron, Festőterem, Petőfi tér 8.; dates: 1st – 23rd September.
2. Title: „Vivid Mind” – Exhibition of István Orosz and Lajos Szilassi; theme: geometry; location: Szeged, EDF Gallery, Klauzál tér; dates: 3rd – 25th September.
3. Title: Exhibition of István Orosz; theme: posters; location: Bratislava, Slovak Design Center, Satelit Gallery, Dobrovičova ul. 3. dates: 6 – 30th September.