2013. február 22., péntek


Exhibition of Contemporary Prints from Hungary at Savannah Center for Fine Art. Included in the exhibition are works by: László Almásy, Peter Berentz,, Vera “Makina” Császár, Ilona Luca Decsi, Imre Kéri, Dóra Keresztes, Zoltán Kiss, György Olajos, István Orosz, Zsófi Varga, Csaba Zemlényi. Opening Reception on Friday the 1st of March (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.) The location of the gallery is 41 Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia 30401. The exhibition will run through the end of March.

2013. február 2., szombat


Maurits Cornelis Escher and René Magritte were born in the same year (1898) they lived in the same town (Brussels) and they never met. In this drawing I wanted to give a chance to them, or to the history to correct this mistake. Because I believe that all errors can be corrected.
(As I learned: Magritte lived in Jette district of Brussels (Rue Esseghem), Escher mooved from Switzerland to Brussels in 1938, he lived in Uccle district (Avenue de Saturne). He mooved from Brussels to Baarn in January of 1941.)