2009. szeptember 25., péntek


My dear friends of the other hemisphere, please come to Mar del Plata. TrimarchiDG is the largest gathering of design in Latin America and brings together thousands of designers around the world. The event tooks place every year in Argentina. Two young designer, Seba and Pablo had started 8 years ago. As they wrote in the invitation letter more than 5000 designers are attending to each lecture actually which is... lovely.
Participants include David Carson (USA), Area 3 (ESP), Zalma Jalluf (Arg), Alex Trochut (Esp), Juan Pablo Cambariere (Arg), Collettivo (Bra), István Orosz (Hu), The President (Afr).
My lecture will start on Saturday (3rd of October) 19:15. In the next day my workshop will begin at 10:00.

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