1946, a Hungarian poet stood in front of the Reformation Wall in the Parc des
Bastions in Geneva. Gyula Illyés’s poem – Before the Reformation Monument in
Geneva – is now regarded as one of the most important Hungarian poems of
the 20th century, alongside his better known 1950 poem One Sentence on
Tyranny. In his poem, Gyula Illyés (1902–1983), in his Paris youth a
left-wing activist from a Roman Catholic paternal background, asks the question
“Do you believe there would be a Hungarian nation if there had been no Calvin?”
His answer is “I do not think so.”
2017. október 30., hétfő
2017. október 21., szombat

Four sentences in Catalan from my lecture (the rest was in English): Hi ha coses que puc imaginar i sóc capaç de dibuixar. Hi ha coses que puc imaginar, però, no soc capaç de dibuixar. Seria posible dibuixar alguna cosa, que no soc capaç de imaginar? És això que de veritat m'interessa. Adri Lantos, thanks for the translation! (There are things I can imagine and I can draw. There are things I can imagine but I cannot draw. But, could I draw something that I cannot imagine? That interests me greatly.)
At the same time hundreds of thousands of people are on the streets of Barcelona to protest for the independence of Catalonia.
2017. október 15., vasárnap
2017. október 10., kedd
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