2024. október 18., péntek


My work is shown in two exhibitions at the same time in the Romanian capital. In the framework of Bucharest Graphic Days, I will have a solo poster exhibition in the Rotonda Hall of the National Theatre in Bucharest, the central venue of the event. The material has been selected by graphic artist Ciprian N. Isac, who has directed the exhibition and designed the catalogue, thanks to him. This exhibition opens on Saturday 19 October and will be open until 10 November. The other exhibition will be in the gallery of the Liszt Institute - Hungarian Cultural Centre in Bucharest, where my autonomous graphic sheets and my mirror cylinder anamorphoses will be exhibited. The latter exhibition will open on the evening of 23 October, and will be on view until 8 November.

2024. augusztus 11., vasárnap


August 31 marks the 30th anniversary of Russian troops finally leaving Estonian soil.

While Estonia became independent in August 1991, it took another three years for the last soldiers from the former Soviet occupying regime to leave, and while this was done in a largely orderly manner, more recent events in Ukraine have given added poignancy to the Estonian experience, and a reminder that while Estonia is free of occupying armies' boots, some other countries are not so fortunate.

Drawing the dots between the two, long-term Estonian resident and U.S. national Chuck Czepyha has spearheaded a campaign to raise money for Ukraine while commemorating the events of 1994 – and more specifically a major rock concert which took place in Estonia.

"I first came to Estonia one week after the Russians left, and one souvenir I bought was the PAKA! concert poster," Czepyha told ERR News.

"Paka," a Russian word, could approximately be translated as "(good)bye," in this context.

Click here to know more about the poster and the concert.

2024. március 29., péntek


...at the Union Squere.


... and at the Times Squere.

2024. március 1., péntek


The Tolerance Poster Show opened at the Deutsche Bahn train station in Plauen, Germany. This show will be displayed for at least one year, and they will change some of the posters approximately every 2-3 months to refresh the show.