2018. december 31., hétfő

2018. december 8., szombat


The exhibition "Open Your Eyes" has moved from Ankara to Istanbul, and will remain there until mid-February. The curator was Kemal Orta. Thanks the photos for Güler Ercan.

2018. október 7., vasárnap


The exhibition in Ankara at the Güler Sanat Gallery will be open till the end of November. Here are some photos to attract your attention.

2018. szeptember 26., szerda


I'm in Ankara, I prepare an exhibition in a local gallery. I am painting some of the pictures here in order to simplify the shipping complications. I'm working on two large anamorphic objects and sometimes I look into my laptop to check what's happened in the world. I'm sad to read that Anthon Beeke, the excellent Dutch graphic designer passed away. We met first time in 1992 in The Hague, I was a guest of a graphic conference there. Of course I already new his famous nude alphabet, his provocative theater posters (Troilus and Cressida, Leonce and Lena) and I was surpised that he was familiar with some of my works too. He presented me a T-shirt in the pub of Theatre Zeebelt. I often wore it, I liked to work in it. I also brought it to Turkey, so if it's colder then I wear it. Yesterday the weather became very cold, I took Beke's shirt and I still work in it today. This was on me when the sad news came. Peace with you, dear Anthon. ... Beeke veled.

2018. szeptember 7., péntek


... at the "Novij Muzej" (New Museum) will be opened till 14 th of October. The photos were taken mainly by Mikhail Grigoriev - thanks for them.

2018. szeptember 1., szombat


"Есть вещи, которые я могу себе представить, и могу нарисовать. Есть вещи, которые я могу представить, но не могу нарисовать. Но есть ли что-то такое, что я могу нарисовать, но не могу себе представить? Вот этот вопрос меня очень интересует!"
(Иштван Орос)
"There are things I can imagine and I can draw. There are things I can imagine but I cannot draw. But, could I draw something that I cannot imagine? That interests me greatly."
(István Orosz)
 "Vannak dolgok, amiket el tudok képzelni és le tudok rajzolni. Vannak, amiket el tudok képzelni, de nem tudok lerajzolni. Vajon le tudok-e rajzolni valami olyat, amit nem tudok elképzelni? Ez az, ami igazán érdekel."
(Orosz István)